4141 Mormon Coulee Road, La Crosse WI 54601
Phone (land line):
Phone (mobile):
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):
I'm a Caregiver For My: SpouseFatherMotherBrotherSisterGrandparentSonDaughterFriendNeighbor
Have you been in contact with the Aging & Disability Resource Center of La Crosse County (ADRC)? YesNo
Would you like to receive more information from the Aging & Disability Resource Center? YesNo
Other Agencies providing assistance:
Do you have any medical conditions or concerns that the Volun-Peer Mentor should be aware of, or that you might need special consideration for? YesNo
If yes, please describe:
Do you use mobility/adaptive equipment?:CaneWalkerWheelchairHearing AidsOxygen
Do you smoke? YesNo
If so, what do you smoke? CigarettesPipeOther
Must abstain while Mentor is present.
Do you have any pets? DogsCatsBirds
Pet's name(s):
Occupation (Former or Current):
Can you get into: CarTruckSUVVan
Do you use:City BusCounty BusTransport Service
Does anyone else live with you? YesNo
If yes, please list the name and date-of-birth of each other person:
Causeway Caregivers performs a background check under the direction of The Aging and Disability Resource Center of La Crosse County on all mentors, caregivers and care recipients to determine eligibility.
Please provide any information about yourself that will help in finding a lasting mentor match.
Favorite Books, Movies, TV Programs:
What do you enjoy talking about?:
Where do you (or would you) like to travel?:
Share any additional interests here:
How did you hear about this program?
Have previous caregiving experience
Be a good listener with empathy and understanding
Be accepting and respectful of caregivers emotions and differences
Provide moral support
Share their caregiving experience, strength and hope
Make first contact and maintain contact with the caregiver at the time, frequency agreed upon
Understand the limitations and demands of the caregiver and respect their privacy and personal space
Medical decisions
Family or Personal matters
Financial decisions
Administer medications
Provide personal care
Provide transportation
Provide support and encouragement to caregiver(s) of a recipient
Please check all that are of interest (Time given denotes acceptable length of service)
Phone, Email, Visiting Call, email or visit at least once a week to encourage and support (2-4 hrs/month)
Socialization Spend time with caregiver and recipient for socialization in the community (2-4 hrs/month)
Attend Lunch Bunch or Support Groups Provide transportation for caregiver and recipient (2-4 hrs/month)
Office Volunteer Assist in the office with mailings or newsletter, compiling mentor hours, etc. (2 hrs/month)
Other? (Time varies)
Best time to Call:
Frequency:DailyWeeklyEvery Other WeekMonthlyAs Needed
Best Time:MorningAfternoonEveningDuring the WeekWeekends
Do you routinely leave the area for an extended time at a particular time each year? NoYes
If so, when?
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Comments are closed.
The Peer Caregiver Support Program connects Volun-Peer Mentors with caregivers of individuals diagnosed with Dementia for caring support, socialization and knowledge of local resources. • Volun-Peer Mentor form • Caregiver form • Care Recipient form
Support Causeway's mission of providing volunteer services without charge in La Crosse County