Laptivity Quilts

Adults with dementia have feelings that are often difficult to express due to cognitive impairments in language, memory, and executive function. Expressing frustration, boredom, anxiety, or pain may be expressed as resistance, agitation, wandering, frequent requests for help, and calling out.

Up to 90% of persons with dementia experience one or more of these symptoms during the course of their illness and impacts the person’s ability to cope with stress. Caregiver impatience or rushing, clinician assessments, unfamiliar surroundings, and an over-stimulating environment can provoke distress.

Causeway Caregivers creates Laptivity Quilts for caregivers and staff at health, veteran, and care facilities to give to caregivers for a purposeful activity, an opportunity for cognitive stimulation, as well as opening dialogue between caregiver and the person with dementia.

Laptivity Quilts are created by volunteers in partnership with the La Crosse Community Foundation, the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, and The ADRC of La Crosse County.

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