4141 Mormon Coulee Road, La Crosse WI 54601
Phone (land line):
Phone (mobile):
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):
Do you have any medical conditions or concerns that the Volun-Peer Mentor should be aware of, or that you might need special consideration for? YesNo
If yes, please describe:
Medical condition(s):CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)Macular Degeneration Multiple Sclerosis Cerebral Palsy Parkinson's Disease EpilepsyLupusRheumatoid ArthritisKidney DiseaseCancer
Do you use mobility/adaptive equipment?:CaneWalkerWheelchairHearing AidsOxygen
Other Agencies providing assistance:
Do you smoke? YesNo
If so, what do you smoke? CigarettesPipeOther
Must abstain while Mentor is present.
Do you have any pets? DogsCatsBirds
Pet's name(s):
Occupation (Former or Current):
Does anyone else live with you? YesNo
If yes, please list the name and date-of-birth of each other person:
Causeway Caregivers performs a background check under the direction of The Aging and Disability Resource Center of La Crosse County on all mentors, caregivers and care recipients to determine eligibility.
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The Peer Caregiver Support Program connects Volun-Peer Mentors with caregivers of individuals diagnosed with Dementia for caring support, socialization and knowledge of local resources. • Volun-Peer Mentor form • Caregiver form • Care Recipient form
Support Causeway's mission of providing volunteer services without charge in La Crosse County