Author Archives: Sara W

Current Needs in Causeway

Shopping with or for people needing groceries. If you are willing to volunteer for grocery shopping, please call.  Many of our stores offer safe or time-saving options like online ordering or curbside pick-up. Running errands is something everyone needs to … Continue reading

Before the After in 2024

If you are interested in attending the next Planning Session, registration is open! Planning Session in 2024: March 4th June 1st September 9th December 2nd Sessions are 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., To Register: Call or Email for details Remember … Continue reading

You are welcome to attend as many Planning Sessions as needed to plan your Before the After, ask questions of knowledgeable individuals, open communication with family or friends and coordinate all your information in One Place. Causeway Planning Sessions are … Continue reading

Peer Caregiver Support Program

This program is designed to connect “Volun-Peer Mentors” with caregivers of individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other related dementia for caring support, socialization and knowledge of resources. Volun-Peer Mentors have “Been there. Done that.” as former caregivers. They can provide … Continue reading

Keeping Current…..

In an effort to provide efficient and timely services, we are asking all individuals connected with Causeway to use the Contact Us on this website to email your current information: 1. Name and Spouse Name 2. Date of Birth 3. … Continue reading