Causeway has fundraised for its budget since 1986. These efforts strive to sustain its mission of providing services without charge to elderly, adults with disabilities, and adults diagnosed with cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia or other brain related diagnosis in La Crosse County.
Funding Sources…
Causeway is not a federal or state funded volunteer program nor sustained by another entity. Funding is through Individual and Business donors, Grants, Fundraising Events, Supporting Congregations, and Community Participation. All donations remain within Causeway.
Budget and Expenses…
Causeway strives to be wise stewards with the money entrusted to us. The budget is approved annually and reviewed at each Board of Directors meetings. The most common expenditures are:
- Executive Director salary and correlating expenses
- Director and Officers, Volunteer and Renters Insurance
- Office Rent, Phone/Internet
- Postage and Office Supplies
Outreach Efforts…
Outreach Programs are an integral part of the Causeway mission. Offering Community based outreach programs that are enjoyable and keep our matches active in our community are important addition to the home-based services we offer. For a more information visit the “Outreach Programs” and OASIS Respite Program tabs.
Donations Accepted…
Causeway gratefully accepts cash, check or money order donations as well as electronic giving through this website, QR code, and PayPal donations. All donations receive a thank you containing your donation information and returned by mail or electronically as you specify.
Donations made In Honor of or In Memory of a person or life event are inscribed on gold and silver ornaments and decorate our annual Rotary Lights tree in Riverside Park (Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day). Donors may take their ornament home from that tree.
Causeway Interfaith Volunteers, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.
Office Address…
Causeway Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers, Inc.
4141 Mormon Coulee Rd
La Crosse, WI 54601